Membership Update

IDMCC Ltd – Membership Update 29/01/2021:

The club memberships for Team Inverness (IDMCC & ITC) have now reached 125 members for the current year!

We have just e-mailed all those who were members in 2020, reminding them that their memberships have lapsed and if they wish to enter any events this year, then they must re-join the club.

Many thanks to those who have already renewed their memberships – remember Team Inverness offers exceptionally good value for money as you are in effect a member of two clubs for the price of one!

We are sorry that the club had to cancel our January club trial and postpone the February event due to Covid travel restrictions, but we must maintain a safety first attitude, to protect our members, protect our landowners and ultimately protect the community.

If you have still to renew your membership, do so without delay, its so quick and easy by using our new online application and payment system: