As of 2019, a new structure as to who will ‘set out trials’ will be implemented. As discussed over numerous committee meetings it has been agreed that from next year each committee member will be allocated a trial in the year which they have to organise club members to set out alongside themselves.
The aim is to help introduce club members who are novices to ‘setting out a trial’ by grouping them with an experienced club member to set out an event.
For many year’s events organised by the club have been set out by the same small handful of members and a line must be drawn before these helpful individuals no longer want to offer their services thus causing trials and the club to suffer.
Once the dates of 2019 events are confirmed, be expected to be contacted by a member of the committee regarding forth coming events asking for your assistance. If you wish to put yourself forward for events held in a certain location please do so as the club and committee will be very grateful.
Anyone member who agrees to an event but then has to pull out must find a member to replace them.
Club rule 14 states: ‘Each Senior Youth and Adult club member who is an SACU licence holder, must be prepared to assist with the organisation, setting out and/or observing etc. of trials when requested. Failure to do so may result in non-renewal of membership, which will be at the discretion of a Disciplinary Committee.’
Setting out of an event allows those who assisted to participate in the event free of charge. And at the yearly award their name will be entered into a prize draw.
Any club member (that is not part of the committee) who would like to come along to committee meeting is welcome to do so, to see and have an input on items that will be discussed.
You may actually enjoy the experience of helping YOUR club.
The Inverness and District MCC committee would like to thank all club members for their continuous support over previous years and for years to come.
Grant Coward – IDMCC Chairman
Observing & Setting Out Page – HERE