Penalties for ‘Footing’
Footing once = 1 Mark.
Footing twice = 2 Marks.
Footing three or more times = 3 Marks.
The machine ceases to move in a forward direction – no matter how brief the period – The words tell you it’s a STOP!
The rider dismounts from the machine. Dismount will be deemed to have occurred when both of the rider’s feet are on the ground at the same side or behind of the machine.
The machine ceases to move in a forward direction – no matter how brief the period – A Stop!.
The rider dismounts from the machine. Dismount will be deemed to have occurred when both of the rider’s feet are on the ground at the same side or behind of the machine.
The machine does not stay within the intended limits of the section and within each marker.
If any wheel of the machine crosses any boundary tape or marker of the ‘intended route’ whether the wheelis on the ground or airborne before the front wheel spindle passes the ‘Section End’ markers. (The intended route where section markers are used is a straight line between markers or in the event that the markers are placed on a corner the intended route is as follows. For marker on the inside of a turn, the limit should be taken as a straight line between the markers. Inside = Straight. For markers on the outside of a turn the limit should be taken as the natural curve between any three consecutive markers. Outside = Curve.)
The rider is held responsible for displacing a flag, marker, support or tape in an observed section. Displacinga card style marker by striking its support (rock, stone etc) whilst staying within the section will not be penalised a failure and no marks should be given.
Travelling in a direction against the direction of the section or a machine crossing its own tracks to complete a loop.
The machine or rider receives outside assistance within an observed section.
A rider or person having an interest in a rider’s performance, who in any way alters the severity of a section without the authority of a recognised official.