Schreiber Experience for IDMCC

On Monday 10th June, 2019 the Inverness & District MCC will host the launch of the ‘Schreiber Experience’ at Alvie Estate.

Organised by 1979 World Trials Champion, Bernie Schreiber who rode factory Bultaco; Italjet; SWM and Yamaha, this will be a day to remember for the lucky 25 participants. Places are limited.

Bernie Schreiber was 1979 World Trials Champion on Bultaco and won the 1982 SSDT on SWM machinery – Photo: Giulio Mauri / Fontsere images

It is a unique opportunity to be trained and coached by a former world champion. It is designed for adult riders who have an interest in classic trials, but many of the techniques can double for riding modern machines.

The experience will be run under an SACU training permit and will include a classroom session during the day with participants lunch, a specially designed event pit cap souvenir, finishing certificate and instruction booklet to remind you of this very special day at Alvie.

Alvie Estate is the perfect venue and the Schreiber Experience compliments the weekend sport following on from the Highland Classic 2 Day Trial – SWM Edition on the Saturday & Sunday. It is anticipated that many of the lucky 25 participants will stay over an extra day following the trial.

Promoted under his recently launched ‘ZER(O)BS’ brand, Bernie will be very much ‘hands on’ with the training and will be assisted by SACU coach, Allister Stewart and ACU trainer, Richard Allen.

This is a unique and exclusive opportunity to enhance fundamental trials skills and create a blueprint for your improvement as a competitor.

Make contact with the IDMCC secretary by e-mail to note your interest on: